State says barriers will improve Route 73 traffic safety
Climbers decry lack of access to destinations around Chapel Pond Pass
By Phil Brown
As of this week, hikers and rock climbers have far fewer places to park off Route 73, near popular trailheads around Chapel Pond Pass, a development likely to intensify the competition for already-scarce car spaces.
On Monday, the state Department of Transportation installed dozens of steel stakes along Route 73 to prevent people from parking on the shoulder of the highway or in two pull-offs in the pass.
The steps were taken as part of the state’s efforts to crack down on illegal parking and to reduce the number of people walking along the road to reach trails in the Adirondack Mountain Reserve and Giant Mountain Wilderness.
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“In recent years pedestrian traffic, illegal parking, and roadside stopping along Route 73 have created a dangerous environment for hikers and motorists alike,” said Erica Ringewald, a spokesperson for the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
Critics say the measures—which caught users and others unawares—will frustrate hikers and rock climbers who drive to the Adirondacks only to find nowhere to park in the pass. Climbers may be especially disadvantaged since they had been the primary users of the two pull-offs now barricaded to cars. With its many cliffs, including the popular Beer Walls, the pass is the foremost climbing locale in the High Peaks region.
The Beer Walls parking area, located a bit north of Chapel Pond, remains open and can accommodate roughly a dozen cars, depending on how people park. The two closed pull-offs lie between the Beer Walls and St. Huberts. Together, these two pull-offs could accommodate perhaps 20 cars. Closer to St. Huberts, a smaller pull-off with a view of Roaring Brook Falls also remains open, but parking is limited to 15 minutes.
St. Huberts is home to two busy parking areas—for the Roaring Brook Falls trailhead in the Giant Mountain Wilderness and, across the road, for the trails in the privately owned Adirondack Mountain Reserve. On many days, especially on summer weekends, both lots have filled quickly, prompting hikers to park along Route 73.
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Although DEC forest rangers sometimes ticketed cars parked on the shoulder, many visitors continued to ignore no-parking signs. To thwart the illegal parkers, DOT has now installed dozens of metal stakes along the east shoulder of Route 73 for the tenth of a mile between the Roaring Brook Falls trailhead and Putnam Brook. A shorter stretch on the opposite side of the road also is barricaded by stakes.
As an alternative to parking on the highway shoulder, hikers also would leave their cars in the now-closed pull-offs between the Beer Walls and St. Huberts and walk along the road to the trailheads. This practice left climbers with fewer places to park.
Will Roth, president of the Adirondack Climbers Coalition, predicts that DOT’s actions will force hikers to park in the Beer Walls pull-off and face an even longer walk (more than a half-mile) back to the trailheads. “By closing those other pull-offs, all you’re doing is pushing hikers farther up toward Chapel Pond, where parking is already limited,” he said.
Since many hikers hit the trail early, Roth fears that the Beer Walls pull-off could fill up before climbers start their day. “Bye-bye Beer Walls,” he said. “You just won’t be able to climb there. It’s a pretty pessimistic view, but that’s what I foresee happening.”
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Ringewald said DEC will monitor the situation and work with the climbing community if problems arise.
The Adirondack Council supports the new parking restrictions, saying they will enhance public safety and help protect the wilderness from “the obvious negative impacts of overuse,” according to spokesperson John Sheehan. He added that the Beer Walls pull-off should be reserved for climbers.
The parking crackdown is one tactic in the campaign by the DEC and its partners to address overuse in the High Peaks region. Starting in May, the Adirondack Mountain Reserve will require hikers using the AMR trails to obtain a permit. Last year, the AMR cut back to 28 the number of cars allowed in its public lot. DEC also is building a more durable trail up Cascade Peak, which often sees hordes of hikers.
Roth argues that reducing parking is not a solution and will only frustrate visitors. The climbing coalition has advocated for measures that he said will benefit hikers and climbers. These include increasing parking facilities, improving trails to sustain greater use, hiring more rangers and trailhead stewards to educate people about resource conservation, building bathrooms at trailheads, and reducing the speed limit in Chapel Pond Pass. So far, he added, the coalition’s pleas have fallen on deaf ears.
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Both major parties are completely bought and beholden to (mostly the same) rich people today. The most pressing question I…
The Adirondacks are not a “wilderness park”… How did you come up with that?
I grew up in Cranberry Lake and my mother grew up in Tupper Lake. Love this area!!
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Ryan says
The greatest problem in this area is lack of parking. How does cutting down even more parking spots solve this? It makes zero sense. They should be ticketing cars who still do the posted 55mph limit through there even when conditions (people and cats on the road)don’t allow it, instead of ticketing people forced to park on the road.
Billy says
If the signs are posted for 55, you can’t ticket people for going that speed!
The signs say the LIMIT is 55, so you ticket those going more than 55, but not those at 55.
Perhaps those cats should just stay off the road in the first place 😉
Tim says
Hikers, even with an AMR permit, still need these areas to park. Most hikers I know like to be on their first summit by sunrise and AMR isn’t allowing anyone into their lot until 5am. Still others will park outside AMR even with a permit so they don’t have to worry all day about their car being locked in if they’re aren’t back by 7pm. You can’t fix a lack of parking by taking away parking. You need to add more parking. And the cries of “overcapacity” can shove it. The parking in the high peaks is absurdly small. You could quadruple the parking and still not come near any reasonable measure of “capacity”. The existing lot sizes were determined when it was assumed most visitors would be camping. A very small fraction of people using these parking areas are camping.
adkresident says
Good thing they blocked the shoulder so a disabled vehicle has nowhere to go.
Changing a flat out in the lane of traffic is safe.
The requirement to to yield to an emergency vehicle is waved for this area.
Great move, thoroughly thought out by the geniuses running the show.
Doug says
I agree that limiting parking is a poor solution to carrying capacity issues. It is an outdated and ineffective measure of control. I know “permitting” is a nasty word to many people, but it is certainly a more effective tool than eliminating parking.
Also, the DOT should beware of unintended consequences. There are very few sections of Rt. 73 for drivers to pass slow moving vehicles. By blocking pull off areas there will be less locations for slow vehicles to pull over and let others pass. This may cause some drivers to pass in situations that are not safe.
John Marona says
The state spends LOTS of money promoting the Adirondacks and inviting visitors to come and enjoy the mountains. Now, they are spending money telling people to stay away, don’t come, we don’t want you! Unless of course you are staying at an expensive lodge, spending lots of money and support the tax base. What’s happened to being open and inviting to low and middle income people and all their talk about diversity. They can make more $$$ from a few rich people than the masses. Build safe parking, harden trails and hire more Rangers and stewart’s.
Meredith says
Stewart’s is where you go to get ice cream.
gebby says
WHERE’S THE SHUTTLE?????? They’re great at taking away parking and dancing to the Ausable Club’s tune, but where’s the shuttle?
ADK Camper says
Basil Seggos has proven himself to be a pathetic leader with no sense of foresight.
He bent over backwards for Janeway and the Ausable Club after saying there would be permits.
No wonder Cuomo talked the spineless stooge out of retiring.
Chris says
Love when DOTs break their own basic design concepts. Current actions:
1) increase pedestrian and vehicle conflicts
2) installing stakes are a hazard and reduce safety zone of right of way
3) reduction of parking capacity will not magically reduce demand and promise to increase illegal and dangerous actions.
Ocho says
Thinking about the weekends and hiking the ADK’s used to bring a joy to my heart. Now the thought brings a knot to my stomach.
Rick Lipinskas says
Screw it. Go where you’re welcome.
Rick Becker says
We have reduced speeds to 20 mph in school zones when school is in session. How about a similar concept for this section of Rte 73?
Big sign with flashing lights: 30 mph, June thru October.
Billy says
Not sure why it would (if done) be just those months. That area had just as much business in February a couple years back (when cars could still park along the road) as it does in the summer.
Chalk free zone says
Sounds like the people aren’t big fans of the government doing their best to keep people safe…
Overcrowding sucks, parking sucks, but until another road or a parking lot can be established it sounds like this is the new solution….
Are climbers soft now?
I read stories about trad climbers in the 70s and 80s bushwhacking many many miles with full gear before these spots were even developed..
Climbing used to be counter culture. Now because of rock gyms; rick, sam and lulu want to sleep in and get the short walk, and clean established routes without even putting in the work..
Rules suck. but the government could be ten steps away from making climbing illegal. Period. It’s dangerous. There are kooks. Many problems. Illegal.
JimLawyer says
False. Climbers have been climbing on the walls around chapel pond for nearly 100 years. There was never “bushwhacking many miles” to climb on these cliffs.
Name-calling climbers as kooks doesn’t help anyone.
Gordon says
Clueless bureaucrats in action. Folks, this is nothing that a hack saw, or better yet, a battery operated reciprocating saw and a dark night can’t fix. The bureaucrats forget it’s the people’s land. Making a place less safe in the name of safety is like a bureaucratic gold standard.
John says
U cant fix stupid But ya can polish a TURD. Time for some swamp draining up in that area thats Wrong and illegal Someone is going to nake some $$$ Off the Dumb One who said put daggers up
Nota Chance says
Use your pick up truck and a chain with a bare steel wheel and pull the barriers up late at night when there is no traffic.
ToGo says
So exactly how many people were injured or killed last year while walking along 73? I have to agree with ADKresident. Having a breakdown now creates a danger because there aren’t places to pull off and change a tire or wait for a tow. If you want to limit how many people hike the trails, reducing human damage to the trails, then develop an effective permit program. But this playing with parking is NOT the answer.
Bradley says
Haha, the greatest problem is wandering hikers around the road edges….so the solution is to take away more parking????
keystoneclimber says
“illegal parking”… only in NY
Nothing a demo saw or sawzall with a good bi-metal blade won’t take care of.
Larry says
I have no personal investment is this discussion. I don’t mountain hike or climb. Just a long-time ADK summer resident. From the picture it seems like it would be better to develop that shoulder parking area. It wouldn’t be that costly. And adjusting some seasonal speed limits is a wise idea all over the park.
Empty Nesting Hiker says
The climbers are an unintended victim here. This is all about an attempt to limit people parking close to the AMR and hiking. It is an attempt to stop people from “beating the system” of permits they are implementing. The problem is it will lead to people parking further and hiking even more on the side of the road and “in danger” even longer. The speed limit needs to be changed. By the way, my dream is that this will backfire as demand makes New York realize they need to use Eminent Domain and take over the AMR which will now mean plenty of space for safe parking, hiking, and climbing in New York’s greatest resource – The Adirondacks!
Jackie says
To those ricks and johns.. you don’t want to spend money in the area to support the hiring of rangers and stewarts yet want locals who have to deal with the drive along 73 daily trying to avoid cyclists, semi trucks (needed to get to into LP and SL to feed you ppl who rent air BNBs shop only at the grocery stores and expect the locals to support you) hmm those rich ppl own the houses and hike up the rent pricing out locals who wish to live/work in the area.. news flash there are THOUSANDS of trails that aren’t even accessed by 73.. there’s great climbing in Moriah elizabethtown, Ausable and then there’s:
Newcombee, long lake, saranac lake, north hudson, tupper lake etc where you can hike, climb, camp, whatever your heart desires.. the trails are overused and crowded along 73, I lived in LP for 4 years and always dreaded the drive along 73 because hikers, cyclists, bikers and Sunday drivers… They need to create trail head access in North Hudson on Boreas Rd at exit 29 and then off rt 20… My favorite comment was the ticket ppl who are doing the speed limit. Excuse me I hope you enjoy the next 20 car caravan your in for a hour trying to get I-87 because there’s a pack of cyclists refusing to stop on their way their the casade pass
Backcountry164 says
“Advocated for measures”… Did he also put forward ideas to raise funds for these obviously expensive solutions?? Or are the many supposed to provide for the “needs”(wants) of the very select few??
Richard kanagie sr says
I think the government and states are getting out of control it’s time to put a stop to there puthitic rules I for one will callenge it in court as unconstitutional
William Cramer says
Going to be a bunch of new herd paths/bushwhack trails coming up. As for the AMR? Yes, it is a private club. YES, the state helped them out financially in the past which created the hiking easements on their property. Maybe they could pay all that money back to the state of they want to regulate the property. Has there been any discussion about shuttles or improving parking space? Next thing you know, we will have to be getting permits all over to hike on state land. I live here and shouldn’t have to worry about parking to hike. Maybe put toll booths up at all entrances to the park? Residents get thru for free.
hiking rights says
It is true that there are many places to go in the Adirondacks, it is a huge park, but the big draw is the 46 High Peaks. If you hike all 46, you can become a 46er and pay a small fee of 10 dollars a year to remain active. I’m sure there are thousands of aspiring 46ers now wondering how they are going to be able to climb Dial, Nippletop, Colvin, Blake, Sawteeth, Gothics, Saddleback, Basin, Armstrong and the two Wolfjaws. That’s a total of 11 of 46, or about 1/4 of all the hikes. And “closing” the AMR will undoubtedly increase crowding at all of the other trailheads, like Rooster Comb, Dix from 73 (a very tiny spot), the Garden (almost always closed and very inaccessible), Giant Mountain (no actual lot at the more popular Ridge trail, just shoulder parking), and of course ADK Loj which is already already jam packed all year round. It seems like the “powers that be” aren’t even considering public input at all. I don’t remember hearing anything about closing these pull offs, unless it was buried in that lengthy report of BS they just published. I’ve said it before and others have too…I think Gravestone bushwack will turn into a plausible route to the mountains that we use to get to from the AMR. Problem is…there’s only about 10 spaces at the Dix lot also, so I think they’ll just get creative and get dropped off at Dix 73 and take Gravestone brook to access the AMR, and they can return to AMR if they want and get picked up along theroad, thus making a new type of traffic problem…people getting dropped of and picked up all over the place. What else can you do if you can’t park anywhere? Does anyone think they will actually be able to get a reservation? It will be like trying to get a concert ticket when they all sell out in ten minutes, I guess the fastest computer wins that race.
LeRoy Hogan says
No more side swiping hikers with my 5th wheeler on the way to North Pole Resorts.
M Smith says
Lordy lordy! Only NY could manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. After promoting the Adirondacks as a tourist destination then get rid of parking spaces. Line the spaces, meter them, and use the proceeds to improve trails and hire more rangers. Simple. Most people will gladly pay for a good, legal parking space.
nathan friend says
only more stupidity as usual from NY, metal spikes to increase danger, no emergency room. create some parking lots and paid shuttle bus to those areas, ticket and tow any any illegal parked car, slap with huge fine and use fine to help support shuttles and parking lots. creating some 20-30 acres of parking in those areas spread over a number of spots is not going to destroy the ADK. more parking enforcement and how about some tickets for the jerks who think its a garbage can and toss junk out of cars??? tired of plastic water bottles everywhere.
Vanessa says
I second the guy who is asking where a shuttle is in all of this. Providing a handy shuttle for both hikers and climbers alike is green and solves so many of the issues raised here. It sounds like we skipped right to the most draconian option – restrictions meant to discourage use outright rather than strike any sort of balance.
hiker says
This is a quote from this story :
“In recent years pedestrian traffic, illegal parking, and roadside stopping along Route 73 have created a dangerous environment for hikers and motorists alike,” said the spokesperson for the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
So–why or how is the DEC the authority on a topic like this? Isn’t the DOT
(Transportation) the authority on roads and traffic? It appears that the DEC is just making things up to suit their own agenda…and if you read the comments, it doesn’t appear to be well accepted.
Peter M. says
1. Say, we need plan to deal with something you see is coming (and is already here).
2. Make a plan
“Work with stakeholders to develop suitable parking and access to various locations in the Chapel Pond – Ridge Trail – Round Pond Corridor on Route 73.” (High Peaks Wilderness UMP Amendment 2018)
3. Do nothing, except promote more tourism.
4. Designate a Strategic Planning Group
5. Work together to come up with more recommendations… that say the same thing. Make it sound important.
6. More can-kickers retire.
7. Without stakeholder communication, block what parking there was to compound the problems you set out to deal with.
8. Pay more taxes.
9. Repeat.
Frank says
Very interesting article.