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Editorial questions
Have a correction?
Adirondack Explorer corrections policy
The Adirondack Explorer strives for accuracy and clarity in our reporting, both in print and online.
We address online errors and clarifications as well as substantial story updates directly in the story. We add an editor’s note when explanations are needed.
Typos and grammatical errors will be corrected without calling out the mistakes.
Errors in our printed stories will be corrected and addressed in the subsequent issue of the magazine.
The Explorer seeks to make incorrect information right promptly. We encourage you to contact us at [email protected] with any questions in regards to our reporting or to point out something that stands out as incorrect.
Have a story idea or news announcement?
Share your thoughts/feedback, news announcements and story ideas with our editors. SEND AN EMAIL
Want to contribute?
There are a number of ways to get involved and connect with our readers. We’re always looking for new correspondents and writers for our websites and magazine. We also accept commentaries about Adirondack issues and news announcements.
Republishing guidelines
As a nonprofit, Adirondack Explorer is open to sharing our work. However, we have a few requests.
Trying to reach a particular staff person?
Magazine questions
Looking to buy a copy of Adirondack Explorer magazine?
Our magazine is available for purchase at the following locations around the Adirondacks:
- Bookstore Plus (Lake Placid)
- ADK Trading Post (Long Lake)
- Hoss’s Country Store (Long Lake)
- Wild Center Store (Tupper Lake)
- Old Forge Hardware (Old Forge)
- Ledge Hill Studio (Westport)
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Advertise with us
Through its website, magazine, newsletters and social channels, Adirondack Explorer reaches millions of readers — located both inside and outside the region– who care about environmental issues, Adirondack communities and recreation opportunities in this unique part of Northern New York State.
When you advertise with us, you reach a loyal, dedicated audience of people who are passionate about the Adirondack Park.
Explorer policies
Contact us
By mail:
Adirondack Explorer
P.O. Box 1355
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
By phone:
(518) 891-9352
or (888) 888-4970