Flooding reveals infrastructure risks in warming world
In 2024 the focus of local leaders and Adirondack Park advocates continued to focus on the growing threat of torrential rain and flooding
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Through its news reporting and analysis, the nonprofit Adirondack Explorer furthers the wise stewardship, public enjoyment for all, community vitality, and lasting protection of the Adirondack park.
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By Tim Rowland
Has the time finally come for this small Adirondack community to build wastewater infrastructure?
In 2024 the focus of local leaders and Adirondack Park advocates continued to focus on the growing threat of torrential rain and flooding
Region's drainage losing the battle against climate change
By Tom French
Once a bustling mill town, Wanakena continues to make a name for itself
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle shared frustrations with the governor’s $250 million clean water cut.
By Tim Rowland
Community replaces bridges, culverts that were damaged in July storms
By Tim Rowland
What's missing from the housing equation? Infrastructure, such as public sewer systems. And although the price tag is more than small towns can afford, grants are often out of reach
In the Adirondacks, most sewer and water districts are small operations, serving at most a few thousand people. But the water projects cost millions.
By James Odato
Upgrades are stemming overflows into the LaChute River
Local governments in the Lake George basin, have been under more pressure to address leaking septic systems that could be impacting water quality.