Tags Results:
Lincoln’s sparrow: Sweet notes from a secretive bird
By Birdwatch
October 2, 2023
One of two boreal bird species in the Adirondacks that nest primarily in bogs.
Tracking Adirondack birds’ winter journeys
September 13, 2023
How tracking Southern destinations can help boost conservation efforts
Lights out for birds
By Mike Lynch
September 10, 2023
Research points to rural light's negative impact on migrating birds
Bird census data revealed
By Jak Krouse
June 15, 2023
Using contributions from more than 3,500 volunteer birders, the Breeding Bird Atlas has identified trends in the data.
State facilities turn out lights for migrating birds
By Mike Lynch
May 10, 2023
Most birds migrate at night and are attract to lights, which can prove fatal to them.
Going for a hike with my new friend Merlin
By Tim Rowland
June 30, 2022
Backcountry birding just got more interesting, thanks to a mobile phone app