Long Lake lures tourists with drone’s-eye view
January 23, 2020
“It’s absolutely vital to our survival to market the Adirondacks to tourism. The industries that existed years ago in the Adirondacks aren’t here anymore."
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January 23, 2020
“It’s absolutely vital to our survival to market the Adirondacks to tourism. The industries that existed years ago in the Adirondacks aren’t here anymore."
January 13, 2020
Essex County’s farming revival of the last decade or so, which primarily fed regional markets at first, is increasingly supported by sales in urban markets elsewhere in the state—often in New York City.
January 9, 2020
An increasing number of elderly residents in the Adirondacks are unable to get the care they need because of a severe shortage of those willing to do the work. Even as the number of home health aides has declined, the elderly population in the Adirondacks is growing.
By Melissa Hart
December 23, 2019
Despite enrollment declines and state incentives to combine districts,school mergers are uncommon in the Adirondacks and rural New York..
By Tim Rowland
December 16, 2019
It took the applicant, Vertical Bridge Holdings, multiple attempts to get the look right. Trees resembling lollipops and bottle brushes were rejected in favor of a more natural look that would meld into the existing vegetation.
By Tim Rowland
December 4, 2019
The state, along with many Tupper Lake residents, believes that both the scenic railroad and the rail-trail can be world-class tourist draws.
November 26, 2019
This round of grants includes some focused on enhancing “age-friendly” communities.
By James Odato
November 22, 2019
A group called Crossroads ADK LLC on Thursday sued Preserve Associates so that 5,800 acres at the edge of Tupper Lake can be sold at public auction, presumably to a group related to Crossroads ADK.
By Melissa Hart
October 24, 2019
Increasingly, a number of northern New York farms are giving equity crowdfunding a try, using a grassroots online platform called Kiva. With a tagline of “loans that change lives,” Kiva showcases projects from around the world, many of which are agriculture based.
September 19, 2019
The proposed three-story, 45-room hotel is to be built on a largely vacant acre of land at the corner of Park and Mill Streets.