People have arrived in the Adirondacks for the three-day Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day weekend and numbers don’t appear diminished despite the closed Canadian border.
Only the parking lot at Adirondack Loj had available spaces at 5 a.m. on Saturday, but they were going quickly.
The Garden and Adirondack Mountain Reserve (AMR) parking leading to many of the High Peaks was already filled at that hour. Down the way from the AMR, dozens of hikers were ignoring “No Parking” signs on Route 73, and leaving their cars to walk along the shoulder wearing headlamps.
At 6, Town of Keene Supervisor Joe Pete Wilson Jr. was already personally greeting cars at The Garden to advise them on alternate parking (the public lot next to Valley Grocery and Rooster Comb) and hikes (Porter and Blueberry mountains). He arrived there after dealing with some people camped illegally in the village. He was planning to have one car towed.
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Here’s a clip of Wilson talking about his morning (photos of Route 73 and from the summit of Hurricane Mountain by Explorer publisher Tracy Ormsbee):
Here’s a video Ormsbee took this morning at the Adirondak Loj:
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