Adirondack trails begin reopening after severe July floods, tornadoes
By Lauren Yates
Storm damage forces indefinite closure of Lake George Islands Campground
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By Times Union
The 7 tornadoes that touched down in the Adirondack Park bring the total to at least 18 in July in New York state
By Lauren Yates
Storm damage forces indefinite closure of Lake George Islands Campground
By Times Union
Hamilton County hit by two tornadoes on Tuesday; Chestertown and Great Sacandaga areas also impacted
By Times Union
Utility crews work to restore power; some Adirondack towns facing long cleanup
By James Odato
One year after torrential rain flooded parts of the Adirondacks, the region is expected to receive another heavy downpour.
Wildfire outlook uncertain for Northeast
Although the calendar is still in winter, the snowless and mild climate aligns more with the muddy spring season
By Tom French
Whiteface weather station on the mountain's summit plays a key role in statewide network of research stations
When facing warmer temps, tourism leaders switch gears on winter events, attractions
Research shows a steady climb in temperature and precipitation