By James M. Odato
A large lodge and conference center in Schroon Lake is scheduled to be sold and reopened as a resort, an executive for the current owners, Word of Life Fellowship Inc., said Thursday.
Located on the northwest end of the nine-mile-long lake that gives the hamlet its name, the shuttered hotel complex is under contract to be purchased by a private company next month, said John Nelson, vice president of the nonprofit organization that has been consolidating its camping, conference and lodging operations for Bible study and vacationing.
The Word of Life Lodge’s new owners will likely announce plans in late September after the deal closes, Nelson said. “They intend to run it as some sort of resort,” he said. “My sense is they will be very good stewards of the property. I’ve seen the other work that they’ve done and been impressed.”
Owned since 1953 by Word of Life, the lodge facilities have been expanded and improved and used for conferences and vacationers that abide by the standards of the organization, whose mission is to build and strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ through ministries, Bible institutes and youth and family programs. With about 160 rooms for lodging, the lodge complex once drew visitors from around the world. It was built in the early 20th century and had been known as the Brown Swan Club Resort.
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The 27 acre-site is just south of the hamlet of Schroon Lake. Most of the grounds are on the west side of Route 9 but there is some lakeside property on the east side of the road. It has multiple structures and has offered dining and indoor swimming in the past. In 2020 it was closed because of the pandemic and has not reopened.
Nelson said Word of Life leaders decided to discontinue the lodge component of their town of Schroon operations for financial reasons, partly because of the changing trends in vacationing with fewer people tending to return each year to the same destination.
The organization did not list the property for sale, but did make an announcement on its web site May 10 about the decision to make it available for purchase. Several suiters inquired and one signed a purchase agreement in May, Nelson said. He declined to name the purchaser.

The Word of Life’s operations were essentially on hold because of COVID-19 restrictions last year. This year managers opened only in their camping and lodging operations in the southern end of the lake in Pottersville. Another camping site, an island known as Word of Life Island, is also in the northern end of the lake.
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In 2020, the organization sold its headquarters building as well. It had been located in a former public school building in Pottersville. The organization moved its headquarters into other quarters it owns along Schroon Lake and expanded operations in Florida. Its Bible instititute, family and children’s camping, and other programs remain viable and are planned to continue in the Adirondacks, Nelson said. The organization has an 1,200-seat auditorium at its institute and a new gymnasium that may be used when large-group events are planned, he said.
However usage is down from past years. Summer attendance, typically 10,000 guests, declined markedly with the youth participation down about 50 percent this year, he said. Word of Life cut its payroll in the region to about 75 full-time jobs, down from 90.
Jeffrey Subra, Schroon town supervisor, said he has been introduced to the prospective new owners of the lodge and has discussed the transaction with Nelson. He said he has been asked to keep plans confidential but added that he has been reassured that the future for the site will be good for the region. “I believe wholeheartedly it’s a very positive thing for the town, a very positive thing for the Adirondacks,” Subra said.
He and Town Council Member Richard Gero said the region has lacked lodging available for the general public and they are hopeful the new owners will develop a business that will attract visitors and provide jobs. “This is a step in the right direction for Schroon Lake,” Gero said.
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“The area has a ton of potential.”
Subra said Word of Life has voluntarily contributed funds to the town even though it is a tax-free organization. Once the new owners take control of the lodge complex, he said, the real estate is expected to return to the tax roll for the first time in generations.
The purchaser of the lodge is a Saratoga-area developer with a track record of building condos and townhouse residences, said Roger Friedman, a town of Schroon board member for 28 years who runs an area real estate business. He said the area hasn’t had a major hotel in decades and believes the transaction could be a “game changer” for the town.
I am disappointed that WOL sold this property. A very poor decision!
Why is this a poor decision?
Very good opportunity for the community. Use the Sagamore as an example. This must be monitored and controlled very closely by a demanding Planning Board. Infrastructure and emergency services improvements and other offsite benefits should be tied to approvals. Don’t be shy. There is huge profit involved
It sounds like it’s a good thing for Schroon Lake. No offense, but the Word of Life along with other religious mega-churches have been using the tax exempt status for decades to make millions. The WOL pays their employees next to nothing but raked in over $1500 a week on some of those cabins. It’s about time there was a change in the town and now maybe something can be done with their little empire in Pottersville. I understand they donate money, but if you look up what WOL is worth, it’s a heck of a lot of money.
You need to understand the difference between operating revenues and expenses versus residual assets when an organization or entity goes out of business. Same about religious ministries and the taxation rules that govern their operations.
About time these not for profits get these properties back on the tax rolls.
1,000 visitors walking the town streets and patronizing merchants will turn the towns finances around.
So depressing now that there are closed shops.
Here’s what stinks: Subra, the Schroon Lake Supervisor and a
WOL-er refuses to disclose in this article, who the developer is. In reality, the developer is a condo-developer whose wife and VP of his construction company recently opened a real estate office in – of all places- Schroon Lake, and hires – of all people- Subra’s wife. Why would Subra not disclose this? Is there a conflict of interest? How about when Bonnacio needs a few variances and other town favors? As an elected official, shouldn’t Subra’s sworn loyalty be to the citizens whom he serves, rather than a developer out of Saratoga who gave his wife a lucrative job? Shouldn’t what’s best for the community of Schroon Lake come before what’s best for Subra’s employer? Sketchy, shady…take your pick.
The developer and his wife are wonderful people and they will make this a fabulous resort open to all
I live a long ways from Schroon Lake and have journeyed there for many years because of WOL. Tough to see this go with many family memories and beautiful experiences. It’s interesting that as I’ve inquired while we have been there, most folks don’t even fully understand what WOL is. It is not a church nor a denomination. It is simply a fellowship that had a dream. Imagine wanting to send missionaries out of a campground in NY just to tell the story of God sending His only son because of Love. While on a trip to Bolivia with another organization, we came across the WOL camps and it was incredible. They tell the story thru camping themes across the world.
I spent my childhood thru teenage years as a camper and staff. Even had the call to be a nurse on The Inn (Lodge) campus. It’s sad for me to hear negative remarks from some I suppose locals. It helped shape my life and the lives of many others. Many wonderful blessings from this ministry
Absolutely a wonderful place in the Adirondacks to spend a week revived around God’s Word. It’s forever written on our hearts, a retreat for the weary. Our boys at the Island, young one at Ranch and Bible teachers at their best. Word of Life is not over it’s just changed with the times. God Bless You Word of Life. May You Prosper. Paul & Anne Cox
Any update on this story?
Good the Calvinist nazi sold their prison camp
I was told if you stayed on their grounds on a Sunday
You were required to attend their Calvinist services
I am a Lutheran and do not agree with Calvinism
I do not ever recall hearing Calvinism being taught. Attendence was not required, but if you went there for the Biblical teaching, you would desire to be present.
WOL has a great place in my life and it molded me for my 47 years of Christian service… a Baptist.
Nazi is a very strong and misguided term for a God focused organization.
p.s. you where told WRONG!
I totally agree with your statements. I accepted Christ as my Saviour in July of 1952, led to the Lord by my counseler and worked on staff at the Island and Inn 1953-1955. In fact, I along with another staffer wired the fire alarm system at the Inn during the summer of 1954. As a musician both classical and sacred I performed many times at WOL between 1977-2002. I
My greatest experience as a teenager was the privilege of hearing one of the greatest expositors of the Bible, Dr. Charles J. Woodbridge among other gifted teachers. Mr. Novak’s characteristic of Dr. Jack Wyrtzen and those who followed in leadership is way off base. At 83, I still teach and perform at that piano. To God be the Glory.
You heard that all wrong. This was an amazing God centered place. No legalism there as you are talking about. My family has amazing memories from there. It’s sad to hear people that have not experienced this place for themselves say such negative things.
It is April 27th 2022 and I just discovered that WOL was being sold. No update of WOL’s now status.
I went to WOL for about 10 years to their Women’s Retreats. It was a beautiful weekend that started on a Friday night and ended on Sunday after a Sunday Service and worship. We had breakfast afterwards and went home always looking forward to the next time we could come back.
The retreat featured a main bible theme.
We had dinner Friday night and a meeting where the guest singer lead in worship followed by a guest speaker with a presentation to get the conference rolling.
Saturday morning started with breakfast, a morning meeting with worship and meeting. Lunch and workshops that presented different topics of interest. Time off to enjoy the surrounding area and fellowship with others. Saturday night there was supper, and a concert featuring the guest singer with worship. Followed with ice cream sundaes and time to enjoy the pool.
Sunday morning started out with breakfast, followed by a Sunday Service with worship lead by the guest singer and a final message from the guest speaker. Lunch and then we had to leave for home.
It was a very enjoyable weekend. The facilities offered top shelf food and accommodations.
I am very glad I got to attend these retreats and disappointed that as many things in life also come to an end.
I think COVID destroyed this facility and it continues even at this time.
Who owns this now?
WOL was never a church nor a denomination; it welcomed people of all faiths. To characterize it as a “Nazi, Calvinist, prison camp, or mega-church” supposedly raking in millions is false.
I enjoyed WOL’s youth programs back in the 1960s and met my wife there in 1975. We enjoyed 46 years of marriage and I lost her to heart failure last fall.
Word of Life was a great ministry but the last few years weren’t kind to it. The ministry always seemed to run on the financial edge without a lot of cash reserves and the Covid shut down did the old WOL property in. The photos of the main Inn property show a physical plant that was in desperate need of heavy duty repairs and I hope that the new owners will be able to restore the buildings to their former glory.
People do evangelism and church differently than seventy five years ago. In the case of my good friends at WOL – who did great things for this rowdy Jersey boy many years ago – it was probably time for a change. Nothing lasts forever.
I drove a school bus to wok with thirteen youth to the island and stayed on the island with them I brought my these youth from Dr Shiede. Faith Baptist Church in N J. At this time my daughter received the Lord and I was involved in the play about Cory Ten Boom. I also drove these same children to Snow Camp. Over New Years Eve. The children at my church are already enrolled for camp this year.
I had two of the best summers of my life in 1966 and 1967 at Word of Life. I lived on the Island, but shuttled between the 3 locations, playing the organ and piano for the various services. I had the distinct honor of accompanying Jerome Hines when he sang there. Doris Steinhart taught me the Word of Life Theme Song for the weekly radio service which she composed. Janice, you played for mine and Jerry’s wedding. What memories I have…and some of the best food ever!!!!
Helen Burtch Fiscus