The state Department of Environmental Conservation issued the following news release today:
Franklin County man pleaded guilty last week to 31 violations of Environmental Conservation Law related to illegal trapping, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced today.
On February 11, DEC Environmental Conservation Police charged Terry J. Hurteau, 56, of Tupper Lake, for offenses including unlawfully setting 15 snares for coyote, multiple counts for unlawful use of body gripping traps on land and multiple counts of failing to tag traps. He was issued appearance tickets for the Town of Tupper Lake Court.
DEC Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) initially responded to complaints about a coyote running through the yards of some Tupper Lake residence. The callers reported that the coyote appeared injured and tangled in what appeared to be wire.
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ECOs located the coyote by tracking it through the snow. Due to the extent of its injuries and its entanglement in the snare, the animal was euthanized. However, the ECOs were able to use the snare to begin the investigation which led them to Hurteau.
Hurteau’s activities were extreme and flagrant violations of trapping law and regulation. They do not reflect the behavior of the vast majority of ethical trappers.
Hurteau appeared in court on March 6, and pleaded guilty to all charges. He was ordered to pay total of $3,875 in fines and surcharges.
Good work on the part of ECOs. Much like the hideous slaughter of a Great Blue Heron in Jay a year+ ago, the fine does not match the heinous, thoughtless, disrespectful offense. And yes, I oppose all trapping, though I do respect that the law allows trapping and that many trappers practice ethically with a desire to not torment animals.
I think his trapping & hunting rights should have been revoked also. torturing wild animals is not the way to go.
This ‘man’ deserved jail, not just fines.