I do a lot of backcountry skiing, and so over the years I have collected a half-dozen pairs of skis. Not as many as some skiers, but enough to make some people wonder if I’m obsessed.

Maybe I am, but not about skis. I have far more ski hats. I must own nearly twenty: wool, synthetic, thick, thin, beanies, Peruvian models with ear flaps, balaclavas, you name it.
I didn’t set out to collect hats, but I was always searching for the perfect hat, one that fit right, kept my head warm, and looked good. I now have several that fit the bill, but I’d say my favorite is the Exos Beanie by Outdoor Research.
I’ve tested a number of hats for OR. One thing I especially like about the Exos Beanie is its thinness: when you start to heat up on the trail, you can crumple it up and stuff it in a jacket pocket. I have found that the beanie is thin enough to fit under my ski helmet.
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Despite its small size, the Exos keeps the wind out and warmth in. It’s 50 percent nylon, 43 percent polyester, and 7 percent spandex, with a micro-fleece ear band. The spandex probably accounts of the snug fit.
The Exos has small slits near the ears to accommodate sunglass arms. That’s a nice touch.
Although the Exos Beanie will keep your head warm in most situations, I would put a thicker hat in your pack in case of emergencies or if you’re winter camping.
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