Sustainable trails, thoughtful designs
By Mike Lynch
April 28, 2022
The White Mountain Trail Collective was formed in New Hampshire to deal with the backlog of trail work there.
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By Mike Lynch
April 28, 2022
The White Mountain Trail Collective was formed in New Hampshire to deal with the backlog of trail work there.
By Phil Brown
September 25, 2017
Wallface is the biggest cliff in the Adirondacks and so naturally has attracted the attention of rock climbers from way back. The first recorded routes were put up by two of the country’s best climbers of the 1930s—John Case and Fritz Wiessner. The authors of Yankee Rock and Ice say Wiessner regarded Wallface as the…
By Phil Brown
September 12, 2017
On July 15, 1932, two giants of conservation met on top of Mount Marcy: Bob Marshall and Paul Schaefer. Marshall was partway through a marathon hike that would take him to the summits of thirteen High Peaks. Schaefer was taking photos to be used in a campaign against a proposal to allow cabins in the…
By Phil Brown
September 5, 2017
I haven’t spent much time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, largely because there is so much to do here in the Adirondacks. It was a case of not knowing what I was missing. In late August, Carol MacKinnon Fox and I spent four days in the Whites, hiking and rock climbing. One of the…