Visitor monitoring, solar projects and more on APA agenda
Sweeping issues around solar projects and visitor management are on the docket before Adirondack Park Agency board members this week.
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An Oregon-based firm, which has helped various national parks with managing visitors, will help the state address visitation in the Adirondack Park’s High Peaks.
Sweeping issues around solar projects and visitor management are on the docket before Adirondack Park Agency board members this week.
Long-awaited report contains old and new strategies for managing use in the High Peaks
The public still waiting on the High Peaks advisory group's final report.
More information comes out on what the state and stakeholders are thinking for crowd management in the High Peaks.
The High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group has met eight times since June, but DEC has not posted meeting summaries.
“DEC and AMR continue to have productive discussions about strategies for 2021 that will help protect the area’s natural resources and promote sustainable use.”
The Adirondack Explorer published a story 20 years ago on crowding in the High Peaks that could have come from the pages of the most recent edition.
The coronavirus pandemic has led New York to start imposing restrictions already, which could be soft openings for more.
A Leave No Trace report found crowding, trail degradation, human and pet waste, unprepared visitors and parking were all pressing issues.