Crowding in the High Peaks, then and now
The Adirondack Explorer published a story 20 years ago on crowding in the High Peaks that could have come from the pages of the most recent edition.
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Although the High Peaks Advisory Group found points of consensus and made progress on managing use, there's much left to decided.
The Adirondack Explorer published a story 20 years ago on crowding in the High Peaks that could have come from the pages of the most recent edition.
As recreational use increases, especially in popular regions like the High Peaks Wilderness, the Department of Environmental Conservation has contemplated implementing new management tactics to minimize trail overuse, including a permit system.
By Tim Rowland
“A few people on the summit of a mountain didn’t bother anyone,” said Maria Pelusi, one of six students who presented their findings at the Nature Conservancy in Keene Valley on Wednesday.
As New York becomes more diverse, as languages other than English are spoken in every New York county, the Adirondack wilderness needs a constituency of everyone.
By Mike Lynch
A new hiker shuttle will run between Lake Placid and Wilmington this fall as part of the continuing effort to divert people from popular High Peaks.
The Adirondack Council wants New York to increase its $300 million Environmental Protection Fund, rebuild conservation agency staffs, and build the trails and trailhead amenities to better handle surging crowds.
The unprecedented influx of vehicles on sunny summer weekends cannot possibly be denied. Yet pick a day with a little drizzle and the hordes disappear. So are we actually facing a summer with usage spikes that we will not be able to manage?
By Mike Lynch
Leave No Trace principles address topics such as how to prepare for trips, minimize campfire impacts, respect wildlife, how to dispose of waste properly, and even how to post to social media responsibly. The principles are used by federal land management agencies, national parks, and organizations around the country.
By Tim Rowland
Along with parking restrictions, which the state began enforcing last year in the Chapel Pond area, DEC wants to rate hikes for their degree of difficulty and get this information into the hotels so tourists will be less likely to attempt climbs that are beyond their capabilities.