By Mike Lynch
The Adirondak Loj and High Peaks Information Center reopened Monday morning after being shut down since Saturday, February 13.
The Adirondack Mountain Club had closed the facilities to allow for contact tracing after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19 on February 12.
ADK Director of Communications Ben Brosseau said the entire staff was tested for COVID-19 and one more staff member wound up positive, for a total of two cases. Some others are in mandatory quarantine because they live with one of the staff members who tested positive.
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Brosseau said the exposure to the public is believed to be “minimal.”
The info center will have limited hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the near future because it is short staffed.
The closed facilities are located on Adirondack Mountain Club property that is also home to trailheads for many popular destinations, including Mount Jo, Mount Marcy, Algonquin Peak, Marcy Dam and other places in the High Peaks.
The information center is used by hikers looking for trip advice, up-to-date backcountry conditions, and to buy last-minute gear such as maps and compasses. Many people also rent skis and snowshoes there.
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The parking lot, wilderness campground, and Heart Lake cabins had remained opened while the other facilities were closed.
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