Lindsay Facteau recently sent us this photo of a wildflower that she and her boyfriend found along the road in Duane in the northern Adirondacks. “I thought this flower was a trumpet flower, but looking at other flowers, I guess I was wrong,” she said in an e-mail. “Can you tell me the name of the flower?”
Sorry, Lindsay, I can’t. But I am hopeful that one of our readers can.
Anyone know?
definitely foxglove
It is Foxglove or scientific name is digitalis
Thanks for the prompt replies.
This plant is your friend if you have heart problems. Digitalis is used to control atrial fibrillation. But don’t try and self-medicate this plant can make you pretty sick if you eat it. There are probably new better drugs for this anyway.
They are beautiful plants. I have lots of it near a camp I have in the same general area as this picture.
Foxglove, aka Digitalis
Like lilacs and lupines, they do seem to like the Adirondack soil.
Foxglove, or digitalis – a biannual, grows wild in shaded areas – I have a volunteer in my garden!
It is Digitalis purpurea, a native flower of parts of Europe,Asia and Africa. Here it is non-native and spreads on its own but not to the point it is called invasive, I think.
foxglove – digitalis purpurea – It is very poisonous !
Please keep kids & pets away :