Mike Lynch is away this week. This message is from Adirondack Explorer editor Brandon Loomis.
We’re wrapping up production of our November/December magazine issue, and we think Mike’s photography and writing in it should alert a lot of readers to recreational and environmental aspects of the Adirondacks that they hadn’t previously considered. For one thing, it seems that a lot of people who enjoy our mountains weren’t aware that they were home to salmon — either historically or right now.
Well, they are, and Mike made a number of trips to the Boquet River to see and photograph them running there. (Above is a long exposure he snapped of a landlocked Atlantic salmon cresting in the river.) Those fish, which the state has stocked but in some years will also reproduce naturally in the river, offer hope for a thriving wild salmon fishery in the park. Indeed, there already are a number of anglers — from the North Country and beyond — who swarm to our area when the salmon are biting. It’s not just the Boquet, but also the Saranac, where Mike and water reporter Ry Rivard spent time examining the possibilities if dams are altered or removed (as one was on the Boquet). Writer Tim Rowland also wrote a piece about the salmon fishing scene at the Saranac’s mouth, where salmon swim as far inland from Lake Champlain as the first dam, 3 miles upstream.

Mike also wrote about what some of the dams have created in the way of quiet waters that don’t get a lot of attention from paddlers, and he hiked nearby Catamount Mountain for a view from above. The Saranac and its ponds are waters he knows something about from his time paddling from Old Forge to Maine along the Northern Forest Canoe Trail.
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We’ve packaged these stories into a special report that blends the two assets that I believe most readers expect from our magazine: great environmental reporting and thoughtful recommendations on how to enjoy the Adirondacks. If you’re already a subscriber, I look forward to hearing your thoughts about this issue when it arrives. If you’re not, this might be a good time to test us out by ordering two issues for $2.
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