Tour day coming up Labor Day Weekend

Have you been meaning to check out Essex Farm but haven’t had the chance, there’s an opportunity to spend some time at this Champlain Valley landmark farm the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend (Aug. 31).
A farm tour begins at 10 a.m. in front of the Farm Store and covers the vegetable fields, pasture, and livestock areas. From there, everyone is invited to stay for a potluck lunch at noon in the Pavilion. Bring a dish to share and place settings. After lunch, there’s an optional self-guided hike along the farm roads to some of the farm’s more remote areas. This event takes place rain or shine. Participants are encouraged to dress for the weather and wear sturdy boots (rubber, if you have them) and be prepared for a lot of walking.
The farm is located at 2503 NYS Route 22 in Essex. There is a suggested donation of $25 adults; $5 children (Members are free). Information at
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