USDA updates zones map, reflecting changes many growers are already seeing
By Lauren Yates
Farmers and gardeners adapt to shifting seasons and wetter springs
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By Lauren Yates
Farmers and gardeners adapt to shifting seasons and wetter springs
With years of Adirondack growing seasons under their belts, these farmers are finding solutions for problems old and new.
Why I love the Adirondacks: The combination of deep wilderness, farms and inspiring, caring, community-dedicated people. The rural life here brings a connectivity between people and to nature that gives me hope for my children’s’ future in this world.
By Phil Brown
If you follow land conservation in the Adirondacks, you probably have heard of the Open Space Institute. It has helped preserve a lot of acres in the Adirondacks and elsewhere in New York State. Less well known is its program to help preserve farms in the Champlain Valley. Through the Klipper Family Fund the OSI…