Lawmakers adjourn without acting on amendment to free closed North Country prison land
Adirondack communities await fate of 3 closed prisons as legislative session ends without action
The only independent, nonprofit news organization solely dedicated to reporting on the Adirondack Park.
Through its news reporting and analysis, the nonprofit Adirondack Explorer furthers the wise stewardship, public enjoyment for all, community vitality, and lasting protection of the Adirondack park.
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Understanding Proposition 1: The Controversial Equal Rights Amendment before voters on Nov. 5
Adirondack communities await fate of 3 closed prisons as legislative session ends without action
Agreement nears to address closed prisons in the Adirondacks.
Up to five prison closures could come this year, according to the state's 2024-2025 budget. It's unclear if any are in the Adirondacks.
Legislators abandoned a constitutional amendment that would have saved Debar Pond Lodge in the town of Duane.
Adirondack Park-related constitutional amendments need to receive first passage in 2024 in order to be addressed by 2025.
Adirondack Park lawmakers disappointed with this year’s session
State Assembly and Senate members could not agree on four constitutional amendments related to the Adirondack Park before leaving Albany.
The state Assembly pulled a constitutional amendment that would have closed an emergency communications gap in Hamilton County.
State lawmakers are considering four constitutional amendments impacting the Adirondack Park, but time before session ends is running out.