I’ve hunted in the Loon Lake/Debar/Baldface area for over fifty years, so I enjoyed your article “Return to Debar Pond” [July/August 2014].

Photo by Susan Bibeau
We’ve fished Debar Pond, and there is a family of loons there every year. I’ve been on top of Baldface a number of times, but we hunt more toward Debar and the lower portion of Baldface to the west.
We come in from the south side along the Debar/Mullins line, the property line between state land and private property. Well, it used to be Mullins; remember I’ve hunted there for over fifty years. The land isn’t Mullins’ anymore; someone else owns it now. There used to be a wire on the line kind of like a fence.
One interesting feature on the southwest side of Baldface is a pile of rocks over a half-mile long like a moraine. To get to it from the south you go north up the Debar/Mullins line, cut west around the pond, and cross a beaver dam. It’s only a couple hundred yards from there.
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There is also an old railroad bed that goes on the west side of Debar Pond running south between Baldface and the Debar range to Hatch Brook then east across old Route 99 connecting to the old D&H bed just north of the old Loon Lake Station.
Enjoyed your article; there are a lot of similar areas off the more traveled routes that are just as enjoyable.
Bob Cook, Plattsburgh
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