In the May/June issue of the Explorer there are several references to Upper Chateaugay Lake. This unspoiled and unpolluted lake has been threatened by the sale of properties on Parson’s “Hill” bordering the lake. This hill slopes from the village of Lyon Mountain to the lakeshore. It is a forested wetland with streams and beaver-dammed ponds.
Ignoring the objections of local residents, three years ago the Adirondack Park Agency approved the development of seven lots. To date, one lot was sold, development started, and then stopped. A driveway was excavated and nothing further done. The lake’s water quality could be endangered by runoff from construction on this hillside.
An offer to purchase the lots, at cost, from the developer has been turned down. If development proceeds it will help to destroy another valuable lake.
Much of the land in this area has been preserved by the state. Perhaps, since three years have passed since approval, the APA would reconsider.
James L. Dannenberg, Philadephia, PA
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