I am sure my feelings are not the only ones in regard to the articles in the January/February issue concerning diversity and the pope’s views on supposed “climate change.”
Having loved the Adirondack Park since my first visit in 1947, catching my first dry-fly brook trout in the West Branch of the Ausable River the same year, and having loved our camp in Wilmington since its purchase in 1988, I do not need one more sentence of what I consider left-wing garbage to elevate my blood pressure.
If you want to encourage minorities to visit the Park, fine [Viewpoint: “Park needs diversity”]. But do not tell me the white heterosexual male is not “culturally competent.”
As for the review of Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis [“The pope’s green message”], perhaps the pope might direct his concerns to the results of overpopulation in every area of the world the Catholic Church wields its influence in opposition to birth control. Population pressures are causing environmental damage everywhere.
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The Park will always be magnificent, but nobody is going to change my biblically based beliefs regarding gay marriage or transgender nonsense.
I trust future issues of the Explorer will be more Park oriented and devoid of “Progressive” detritus.
Jeffrey Munson, Rangely, Maine
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