MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR MEALS: From Adirondack Harvest, an article about a chef who combats food waste. Curtiss Hemm uses his skills to teach others how to get the most bang for their buck cooking with locally grown (and often more expensive) ingredients:
“Curtiss Hemm thinks about food in ways that others don’t. Along with being a chef, he is a food instructor, food economist and food anthropologist. The Rumplestiltsken of chicken, he can spin a single bird into $188 worth of saleable restaurant product, massaging the parts many of us would throw away into pates, consommés and brodos.”
Although a locally raised chicken make seem like a splurge, price-wise, with that chicken, a head of cabbage and a few other odds and ends, a family can enjoy three or more wholesome, delicious meals that cost less than dinner at McDonald’s. And the odds and ends can be used to make a wholesome broth for future meals.
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Some techniques for fighting food waste
For those looking to reduce food waste in the kitchen, the virtual ReCook Cafe, November 10, 2020, will feature a mix of live and recorded cooking demonstrations of four professional chefs who will be sharing their favorite tips, tricks, techniques, and more to help you get the most out of your food, reducing waste while creating delicious dishes that are sure to make you go “Mmmm!”.
Join this appetizing presentation to learn best practices for maximizing the shelf-life of perishable produce, using parts of foods you didn’t know were so tasty, compiling odds and ends to create new tasty eats, and so much more. Preventing wasted food is not only good for your tummy and your budget, it’s one of the top ways we can address climate change. Now that’s scrumptious!
New York State DEC, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) and the Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions (CSCS) coordinated the planning of this event with NEWMOA and NERC. Register now for the virtual ReCook Cafe.
Photo courtesy of Adirondack Harvest
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